How Long it Actually Takes For A Rhinoplasty to Heal and More Nose Job Q's with Dr. Paul Nassif

It's the man behind some of the best schnoz's in Hollywood — around 10,000-12,000 to be somewhat exact — Dr. Paul Nassif! Dr. Nassif is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon who you may be familiar with from his incredible work on E!'s Botched. He's known as the plastic surgeon who is "trusted with noses worldwide." People travel across the world to see him specifically for his rhinoplasty work.

Today, we're asking him everything you may have wanted to know about nose jobs: do you need to get them redone every so often? What types of rhinoplasties are there to consider? How young is too young for a rhinoplasty? Who isn't an ideal candidate? Dr. Nassif answers it all in today's episode.